
张 峰*

发布时间:Oct 19, 2022点击量:







张峰,男,2017年博士毕业于同济大学地质工程专业(导师:叶为民教授 陈永贵教授);随后赴巴黎高科-法国国立路桥大学(Ecole des Ponts ParisTechNavier实验室(Director: Yujun Cui教授)从事助理研究员研究工作;2022年加入中国地质大学(武汉),担任特任教授职务(地大百人计划)。主要从事非饱和土工程地质多场耦合研究。主持中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项项目1项、重点实验室开放基金1项;作为学术骨干参与完成了法国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)应用基础研究项目3项、欧盟第七框架协议玛丽居里国际交流计划项目1项。在Engineering Geology、Rock Mechanics and Rock EngineeringJournal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering(ASCE)Acta GeotechnicaSoil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering等工程地质、岩土工程相关领域国际著名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,平均影响因子5.505。提出的开挖应力卸载扰动下准确确定膨胀硬黏土力学特性参数的方法,以及膨胀硬黏土在开挖施工产生裂隙条件下的最大自愈合能力等两项研究成果,被应用于法国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)地质处置库天然屏障系统安全评估中部分参数确定。



1.中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项项目 (中国地质大学(武汉) 学科骨干人才(B类),百人计划)     2022-2025

2.岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室(同济大学)开放基金:考虑干湿循环的膨胀硬黏土水-力耦合特性研究     2022-2024                                                      

3.法国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)应用基础研究项目:Investigation on the gas transfer of backfill/sealing materials     2020-2021

4.法国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)应用基础研究项目:Investigation on the hydro-mechanical behavior of Tégulines clay      2018-2020

5.法国放射性废物管理局(ANDRA)应用基础研究项目:Investigation on the shear strength of Tégulines clay and swelling behavior of cracked/fissured Callovo-Oxfordian claystone     2017-2018

6.欧盟第七框架协议玛丽居里国际交流计划项目,FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES-612665,Geotechnical and geological Responses to climate change: Exchanging Approaches and Technologies on a world-wide scale     2013-2017




1 .Zhang, F*., Cui, Y.J. 2022. Microstructure-based insight into different swelling pressure determination methods. Engineering Geology,106777.

2. Zhang, F*., Cui, Y.J., Chen, B. 2022. Investigation of suction effects due to stress release with compacted MX80 bentonite. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), 148(9): 04022070.

3. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Conil, N., Talandier, J. 2021. Effect of fracture voids on the swelling behaviour of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. Engineering Geology, 280, 105935.

4. Zhang, Z., Zhang, F*, Muhammed, R.D. 2021. Effect of air volume fraction on the thermal conductivity of compacted bentonite materials. Engineering Geology, 284: 106045.

5. Zhu, Z. H., Zhang, F*., Peng, Q.Y., Dupla, J.C., Canou, J., Cumunel, G., Foerster, E. 2021. Effect of the loading frequency on the sand liquefaction behaviour in cyclic triaxial tests. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 147: 106779.

6. Zhu, Z.H., Zhang, F*., Peng, Q.Y., Dupla, J.C., Canou, J., Cumunel, G., Foerster, E. 2021. Assessment of the loading waveform on the cyclic liquefaction resistance with Hostun 31 sand. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 150: 106919.

7. Zhu, Z. H., Zhang, F*., Peng, Q.Y., Chabot, B., Dupla, J.C., Canou, J., Cumunel, G., Foerster, E. 2021. Development of an auto compensation system in cyclic triaxial apparatus for liquefaction analysis. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 144: 106707.

8. Zhu, Z. H., Zhang, F*., Dupla, J.C., Canou, J., Foerster, E., Peng, Q.Y. 2021. Assessment of tamping-based specimen preparation methods on static liquefaction of loose silty sand. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 143: 106592.

9. Zhu Z.H., Zhang, F*., Dupla, J.C., Canou, J., Foerster, E. 2020. Investigation on the undrained shear strength of loose sand with added materials at various mean diameter ratios. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 137: 106276.

10. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Conil, N., Talandier, J. 2020. Assessment of swelling pressure determination methods with intact Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, 1879-1888.

11. Zhang, F., Ye, W.M*., Wang, Q., Chen, Y.G., Chen, B. 2020. Effective stress incorporating osmotic suction and volume change behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Acta Geotechnica, 15, 1925-1934.

12. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Zeng, L.L., Conil, N. 2019. Anisotropic features of natural Teguline clay. Engineering Geology, 261, 105275.

13. Zhang, F., Ye, W.M*., Wang, Q., Chen, Y.G., Chen, B. 2019. An insight into the swelling pressure of GMZ01 bentonite with consideration of salt solution effects. Engineering Geology, 251: 190-196.

14. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Zeng, L.L., Robinet, J.C., Conil, N. 2018. Effect of degree of saturation on the unconfined compressive strength of natural stiff clays with consideration of air entry value. Engineering Geology, 237: 140-148.

15. Zhang, F., Cui, Y.J*., Ye, W.M. 2018. Distinguishing macro- and micro-pores for materials with different pore populations. Géotechnique Letters, 8: 102-110.

16. Zhang, F., Ye, W.M*., Chen, Y.G., Chen, B., Cui, Y.J. 2016. Influences of salt solution concentration and vertical stress during saturation on the volume change behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 207: 48-55.


1. Wang, H., Cui, Y.J*., Zhang, F., Liu, J.J. 2021. Effect of grain breakage on the compressibility of soils. Acta Geotechnica, 17: 769-778.

2. Su, W., Cui, Y.J*., Zhang, F., Ye, W.M. 2020. Revisiting the methods of determining hydraulic conductivity of saturated expansive clays in low-compressibility zone. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12(5): 1131-1136.

3. Zeng, Z.X., Cui, Y.J*., Zhang, F., Conil, N., Talandier, J. 2020. Effect of technological voids on swelling behaviour of compacted bentonite-claystone mixture. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57: 1881-1892.

4. Zeng, Z.X., Cui, Y.J*., Zhang, F., Conil, N., Talandier, J. 2019. Investigation of swelling pressure of bentonite/claystone mixture in the full range of bentonite fraction. Applied clay science, 178: 105137.

5. Su, W., Cui, Y.J*., Qin, P.J., Zhang, F., Ye, W.M., Conil, N. 2018. Application of instantaneous profile method to determine the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated natural stiff clay. Engineering Geology, 243(4): 111-117.

6. Ye, W.M*., Zhang, F., Chen, Y.G., Chen, B., Cui, Y.J. 2017. Influences of salt solutions and salinization-desalinization processes on the volume change of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 222: 140-145.

7. Ye, W.M*., Zhang, F., Chen, B., Chen, Y.G., Wang, Q., Cui, Y.J. 2014. Effects of salt solutions on the hydro-mechanical behavior of compacted GMZ01 Bentonite. Environmental Earth Science, 72: 2621-2630.

8. 叶为民*张峰,陈宝,陈永贵. 2017. -力耦合作用下GMZ01膨润土体变特性研究进展.同济大学学报45(11): 1577-1584.


担任《Engineering Geology》、《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》、《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》、《Soil dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》、《Environmental Pollution》、《Journal of Cold Regions Engineering》等国际知名SCI期刊审稿人。


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